Original price was: ₹115.00.Current price is: ₹105.00.

Good Vibes 100% Pure Orange Essential Oil(10 ml)

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Orange is known for a lot of skin and hair loving properties. Good Vibes brings the best of orange in the form of essential oil to make sure you receive 100% pure care of orange. Orange is known for its acne-treating properties. It helps in drying off the existing acne and prevents the formation of acne-causing bacteria. It also helps in promoting hair growth. Orange strengthens the hair follicles and prevents hair breakage. It is also helpful in uplifting the mood and spirit. It has effective aromatherapy benefits that calm the mind instantly. Good Vibes brings to you all this and much more in the form of essential oil.

Good Vibes Essential Oils are naturally extracted from plants and are 100% pure, natural and undiluted. Our essential oils are multipurpose in nature and provide a host of benefits. The ingredients used in our essential oils are sourced from around the world to provide you the best in terms of quality and potency. Good Vibes essential oils are safe on skin, tested for authenticity and cruelty free.

Explore the entire range of Goodvibes Essential Oil Online. Shop more Goodvibes Natural products like Facial Oil & Hair Oil etc. You can browse through the complete Collection of Goodvibes Naturals skin & body care products.

Weight 10 g


Good Vibes
